CADU analyses regions visually consistent with Barrett’s oesophagus and provides information to aid the user to identify the tissue as dysplastic or non-dysplastic.
Our AI system enhances endoscopists decision making and reduces the time it takes to inspect the oesophagus, proving to be time and cost-effective.

Barrett's vs. Barrett's with Dysplasia Classification
Derived markers from Delineation
Easy To Use
Cloud Technology
Barrett's Dysplasia Delineation
Vendor Neutrality
CE /UKCA marked product. Not available for sale in the US

Odin Vision's CADU system, recently featured in the national press, analyses Oesophageal mucosa and provides information to aid the user to identify dysplasia in patients with Barrett’s oesophagus.
— Odin Vision (@odin_vision) August 5, 2022
Checkout CADU in action👇 #uppergi #ai
In case you missed it, Odin Vision’s CADU system featured in the Daily Mail on Sunday. Read more about Dr @rehan_haidry's pioneering research and the potential impact AI can have on patient’s lives below: #endoscopy #ai @MailOnline
— Odin Vision (@odin_vision) August 1, 2022